Lawn Alternatives
Drought Tolerant Grass Replacements
Lawn Alternatives
Enjoy a beautiful landscape and save water. Grass lawns are one of the thirsty areas of the landscape that need water at least twice a week in the hot summer months and once a week in the cool months for survival. If your area only allows once a week watering or your looking for save more water; here are some great lawn alternatives for all or part of your grassy lawn.

Walkable Lawn Alternatives

Dwarf Carpet of Stars
Ruschia lineolata ‘Nana’
A perfect drought-tolerant grassy lawn alternative that doesn't need to be mowed and take foot traffic.
- Full sun to partial shade
- Grows 1-2 inches tall & up to 2 feet wide
- Blooms spring and fall

Dymondia margaretae
A drought-tolerant, grass-like, dense groundcover that can take light foot traffic.
- Full sun
- Grows 2-3 inches tall & 12-14 inches wide
- Stemless yellow flowers in summer

A versatile, drought tolerant groundcover that replaces traditional lawns. Establishes quickly and takes light foot traffic.
- Full sun
- Grows 6-8 inches tall & up to 15 inches wide
- Blooms in spring to late summer
UC Verde
Buffalo Grass
Bouteloua dactyloides
The ultimate grass lawn alternative that thrives in droughts and extreme temperatures.
Save Water: Thrives on 1/4 inch of water a week
Save Time: Easy to plant, grows quickly, mow less often or not at all - your choice!
Sneeze Free: Allergy-friendly with a low pollen rating

Non-Walkable Lawn Alternatives

Common Thrift
Armeria martitima
- Partial shade to shade
- Grows 6-8 inches tall & 10-12 inches wide
- Blooms in spring

Gazania rigens
Often times called African daisy, this drought-tolerant groundcovers has large, dramatic colorful flowers.
- Full sun to partial shade
- Grows 6-12 inches tall & wide
- Blooms nearly year round

Ice Plant
Various types of plant with fleshy leaves and colorful flower that can be used as a drought-tolerant groundcover. It's named Iceplant due to it's tiny hairs that reflect light resembling ice crystals.
- Full sun
- Grows 6-12 inches tall & 2-3 feet wide, depending on variety
- Blooms winter through summer, depending on variety

Create an elegant, drought-tolerant green carpet perfect for replacing lawns and on slopes for erosion control. Produces small white flowers in summer followed up ornamental purple fruit.
- Full sun
- Grows 3-6 inches tall & 6-12 feet wide
- Blooms in summer

Senecio Mandraliscae
Senecio ficoides
Large blue-green, succulent leaves with upright stems perfect as a drought-tolerant, colorful lawn alternative.
- Full sun to partial shade
- Grows 16-18 inches tall & 2 feet wide
Edible Waterwise Groundcovers

Creeping Rosemary
Rosmarimus officinalis 'Prostratus'
A fast-growing herbal lawn alternative. The fragrant foliage can be used when cooking meat, veggies and even drinks.
- Full sun
- Grows 6-12 inches tall & wide
- Small white flowers in spring

Creeping Thyme
Thymus serpyllum
A fragrant, edible groundcover with blue-green foliage that spreads quickly once established.
- Full sun
- Grows 2-6 inches tall & 6-18 inches wide
- Blooms in summer