Houseplant Fairy
Houseplant Fairy Garden
Fairy gardens are a charming plant project, perfect for kids and kids-at-heart. Use your imagination & creativity to showcase plants in a miniature scene, choose from houseplants or succulents in 2-in. or 4-in. pots. This project is all in the details, so its a perfect opportunity to use interesting rocks from the garden, sea shells, and so much more.
Supplies List
- A decorative container
- 1 - Bag of SuperMoss preserved moss
- 1 - Bag of Dr.Earth "Pot of Gold" Potting Soil
- 5+ houseplants OR succulents in 2-in. & 4-in. pots
- shells, stones, glass, etc.
- fairies and fairy-garden accents.

Step 1
Fill your container 2/3 full of Dr.Earth "Pot of Gold" Potting Soil.

Step 2
Place the largest plants first, moving soil to keep the root ball lower than the edge of the pot.

Step 3
Continue arranging plants, using contrasting colors and textures. Angle plants with their "chins" resting on the side of the pot, to give the container a fuller look.

Step 4
Begin to add in accents, and plan a space for your fairy. Rearrange plants if necessary until you're happy with the look.

Step 5
Add in moss, we used several colors, and fairy garden picks between plants.

Step 6
Mini-coral, stones and glass create a home for this snail on the other side of the pot, to add interest at all angles.

Step 7
Glass pebbles make magical step-stones leading up to our mini-tire swing.

Step 8
Your Fairy is the finishing touch, and gives your mini-garden a story.